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TNPSC Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission General Knowledge_Current Affairs Interview Questions
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Which one of the following types of blood cells is responsible for the clotting of blood? 1 Erythrocytes 2 Lymphocytes 3 Monocytes 4 Thrombocytes

1 2825

Who was the Governor-General when the Revolt of 1857 took place? 1 Lord Hardinge 2 Lord Dalhousie 3 Lord Canning 4 Lord Elgin

5 31917

. The Anti-Defection Law was enacted as early as 1979 in (a) Kerala (b) Jammu and Kashmir (c) West Bengal (d) Tamil Nadu

7 24819

. Which radioactive pollutant has recently drawn the attention of the public, due to its occurrence in the building material? (a) Plutonium (b) Thorium (c) Radon (d) Radium

13 19191

Which of the following is known as ?graveyard of RBCS?? 1 Liver 2 Bone marrow 3 Spleen 4 appendix

12 56429

All current affairs ang G.K.questions.

47 104965

What was d name of first bank established in India ?

87 153567

the largest sector bank in india is

7 7654

who is the governor of reserve bank of india at present

4 5466

positron was discoverd by

3 4789

What is the name of World biggest island?

11 11400

was manmohan singh governor of rbi

8 11689

first emergency declard in india?

4 7248

what is the eligibility & requirement of educational qualification in respect of the post of "The President of India"?

1 10007

I was very much interested un government jobs like tnpsc.I Need some notes,general knowledge and current affairs...So Please send my email id.............

1 2800

Post New TNPSC Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission General Knowledge_Current Affairs Interview Questions

TNPSC Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission General Knowledge_Current Affairs Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What happens if you turn off computer during update?


Have you applied to any other areas apart from banking?


Tell me what are buses used for communication in embedded system?


What is cui and gui?


How do you process errors in session method ? : abap bdc


How do u generate random numbers within a given limit with Action script?


What is compound operators?


What do you mean by jsp?


How VisiBroker provides an Implementation and Object Activation Support?


Tell me about your family background and who is your role model?


Causes of dilution of lubricating oil in a steam turbine?


What is the shortcut to copy formatting in word?


apti mainly on logical reasoning, verbal and non-verbal ability (70 percent) and remaining technical. I was in ee but technical had mech ques like on turbines and welding.


What is the use of info groups? : sap abap hr


what is work of eoca card in nokia flexi EDGE BTS?