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TCS Interview Questions
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Is java Class Thread safe ???? How to make java Class Thread safe ??

1 5768

How to count the no of records of a table without using COUNT function?

11 25639

what is invoice variance in ap

1 3729

Can you recollect what are the configuration steps you did in GL, AP, AR, AND Asset accounting in your implementation project...?

2 7533

What will happen if we write code like: try{}catch(exception e)catch(IOException i)

6 9494

what is the location of parameter file in informatica?

1 7766

what is runtime variable?

3 6336

which is better perfomancewise lookup or joiner and why?can anyone give example?

6 10429

What is the internal processes of integration server in Informatica? How data will be extract and load to the target?


alok and bhanu play the following min-max game. given the expression N=40+X+Y-Z,where X,Y,Z are variables representing single digits (0 to 9),Alok would like to maximize N while Bhanu would like to minimize it.Towards this end, Alok chooses a single digit number and Bhanu substitutes this for a variable of her choice (X,Y or Z).Alok then chooses the next value and Bhanu, the variable to substitute the value.Finally Alok proposes the value for the remaining variable.Assuming both play to their optimal strategies,the value of N at the end of the game would be: a)49 b)51 c)31 d)58

3 7519

What is the output of below code? main() { static in a=5; printf("%3d",a--); if(a) main(); }

4 6399

Integration of PP with MM , Integration of PP with SD .

2 6615

is c language is a object oreinted language?

5 5731

what is Full Text Search ?

1 4725

New concepts of sql server 2005 use in your project.


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what will happen when you try to open an empty vsam file in a cobol program for input?


In which code the the maximum height of concrete casting has been explained


How do I change directories in mysql?


What is a file header?


What is difference between SMC supportg and Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Support.


what data require for liability calculation under work contract tax composition scheme and regular method.


What is core data stack?


i had received an arrear 0f Rs.700000/- lacs for the period 1.1.2007 to 31.3.2010 and Rs.78000 for the period 1.4.2010 to 31.7.10 during aug'2010. my normal salary for 2010-11 is 400000/-. on what amount will my rent free house perquisite be calculated? i have also claimed rebate u/s 89 by distributing my arrear salary in previous years.


What Is Local Installation Of Dependencies?


Describe the process steps you would perform when defragmenting a data table. This table contains mission critical data?


what is mean by Ratio analysis in the orgnations?


What Are The Optimizing Strategies Used In Cloud?


give the options which are available after importing data using ti?


How to calculate MCB Breaking capacity.


What is a named pipe?