Please help me send me questions for HPCL written test of Chemical Branch.I will be highly thankful to u...
2080can anyone please tell me wat is backlogs... i was looking for the job openings where i read this.. eligibility criteria minimum 70% in degree without backlogs. is that arrear.. if so is it standing arrear or history of arrears... please help me...
11 63948What are the dimensions of 1)Standard Brick 2)Nominal Brick What is the difference between them in terms of use ?
49 224204The stage below saturation is called? Cox chart is used in ....Distillation, evaporation, drying r none?
3 101671 no. 22 kV feeder is taken from state electricity board. 350 MVA is the S.C. MVA. now i am feeding this feeder to HT Panel having 2 outgoings which further supply to 2 Transformers. Can you please suggest me the type & rating of cables are 3 of these cables same? or they are different? please help...............
2 5821Post New TCE Interview Questions
Explain junit. What are annotations?
You put a glass of water on a record turntable and begin slowly increasing the speed. What happens first — does the glass slide off, tip over, or does the water splash out?
Can I create a flat file from an IDOC? If Yes , How?
Explain transaction server isolation?
in cobol,wat is the difference in using 'set index in occurs clause' ....and 'occurs depending-on clause'
Can IOT take over the human mind?
What is an aggregator transformation?
Do ajax applications always deliver a better experience than traditional web applications?
What Goals do you have in this career?
Explain me the log that has to be seen to report errors in ruby rails?
What is stringjoiner ?
What is luw or data base transaction ?
What are the effects of posting goods issue?
How do I insert a row in a cell in word?