Please any one can provide latest aptitude test,technical test and interview questions for tata consulting engineering (TCE) i need it asap thanks in advance
1654Post New TCE Interview Questions
What is debug class?what is trace class? What differences are between them? With examples.
What is the purpose of autoloader in zend framework?
What is jdbc and explain jdbc architecture?
What is the symbol of logical OR operation in mongodb?
What icon is used in WinRunner to get an explanation of the syntax of TSL?
What are the pooled and cluster tables?
How can we create index after completion of load process?
What is a dipole moment?
What is the use of inner join in mysql?
Tell us what is the difference between domain and data element?
what is difference between fluidity and workability also how palsticizer works
Compare java script and vb script?
What is an oracle data file?
Explain angular js boot process.
What is materialized view. What are different methods of refresh?