What are the different ratings of the fuse units for different distributions at your organization?
3 13831What should be the earthing resistance of an industrial substation and also What should be the house hold earthing resistance?
20 96635what is inventory and how can manage the inventory. what is ledger and what difference in inventory and ledger.
4 15262Post New TATA Interview Questions
What is form submission?
write a C++ program for booking using constructor and destructor.
Case Study:-Given a standard calculator with the basic functionality of addition,substration,multiplication and division-write the test case to test this and tell how did it take to write the above test case and how ling would it take to execute them?
Give a popular application of machine learning that you see on day to day basis?
How to carry out bit map check points in QTP
Explain the use of a default gateway?
Explain arrow functions?
How to Build a Row Condition?
how we Restrict the auth groups for table maintain, creating Auth group using SE54 to built new Auth groups to restrict tables via auth object S_TABU_DIS
What is spring boot microservices? : Spring Boot
Describe the process steps you would perform when defragmenting a data table. Does this table contain mission-critical data?
What are Apache Spark, Flume, Lucene, Hama, HCatalog, Mahout, Drill, Crunch and Thrift?
Assuming that locks are the only reason due to which deadlocks can occur in a system. What would be a foolproof method of avoiding deadlocks in the system.
How do you sort words in java?
What is the maximum length of an extended property?