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TATA Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is the max demand on your transformer and your company?

10 52764

What are the different sizes of cables for H.T and L.T side of supply?

7 64897

What are the different ratings of the fuse units for different distributions at your organization?

3 13561

What should be the earthing resistance of an industrial substation and also What should be the house hold earthing resistance?

20 95781

What are Storage Classes in C ?

32 118682

Difference Between Call By Value and Call By Reference?

24 221883

what is inventory and how can manage the inventory. what is ledger and what difference in inventory and ledger.

4 15001

How do you work in a team situation?

7 29777

Who are the authors of the Indian Constitution as per its Preamble

7 17175

What is protocol testing. whether u have used any tool in telecom testing.

8 46101

what r the heads of taxation

8 18027

what is assessment year and previous year ?

50 154175

what is Deep Structure?

5 17679

Why can't use DAO instead of ADO?

1 5128

What does it mean when EIBCALEN is equal to zeros?

6 74452

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TATA Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

How do you go back in sql?


Can you learn languages quickly? How many languages do you know?


What are the basic control structures?


How can we upload a text file having delimiters in to legacy system?


How can you apply a style on an element using jQuery?


Do you think banking sector plays an important role in boosting the Indian economy?


what is the synchronous timer ? and it applications.


Define data reduction?


How to Send an image to the printer ?


How do you connect dashboard designer to hana database for dashboard creation?


What are the two types of periodical indexes?


Differentiate between 'DataSet' and 'SQLDataReader' in ADO.NET?


Is there any limited number of simultaneous sessions of a sap maxdb database?


How much is 1 kn in kg?


How does shell scripting work?