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TATA Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is the max demand on your transformer and your company?

10 53332

What are the different sizes of cables for H.T and L.T side of supply?

7 65258

What are the different ratings of the fuse units for different distributions at your organization?

3 13770

What should be the earthing resistance of an industrial substation and also What should be the house hold earthing resistance?

20 96391

What are Storage Classes in C ?

32 119366

Difference Between Call By Value and Call By Reference?

24 222389

what is inventory and how can manage the inventory. what is ledger and what difference in inventory and ledger.

4 15193

How do you work in a team situation?

7 30070

Who are the authors of the Indian Constitution as per its Preamble

7 17420

What is protocol testing. whether u have used any tool in telecom testing.

8 46388

what r the heads of taxation

8 18239

what is assessment year and previous year ?

50 155592

what is Deep Structure?

5 17927

Why can't use DAO instead of ADO?

1 5202

What does it mean when EIBCALEN is equal to zeros?

6 74742

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TATA Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Explain the uses of mrc?


How to convert one date format into another in php?


How do I list directories in dos?


What are the tools and techniques of the Quantitative Risk Analysis process? A. Checklists, flowcharting, interviewing B. Interviewing, sensitivity analysis, decision tree analysis, simulation C. Checklists, sensitivity analysis, decision tree analysis, information-gathering techniques D. Interviewing, checklists, assumptions analysis, risk probability impact


What is expression blend?


Tell me about the locking concept in prpc?


What is XPath Query ?


What is forum posting?


How can I date change in tally whenever new voucher entery. When I press F2 I can change the date only 1,2&31. When I feed other dates like 12,15,17, 21 etc. not changed. Please tell me how can I change the all voucher dates.


What motivates you to work for HCL Technologies?


Explain what did you like about your last job? : insurance sales


what are the parameters plays a major role in Potential transformer Burden calculation??


Why is java mostly used in embedded systems?


What is polyfill in angular?


How can you identify the ip class of given a ip address?