what is the drawback of vsam dataset?? a.execution slow. b.free space. c.independent storage device. d.none of the above. let me know the answer with reason.
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dg earth connect only in the amf panel or not why
Explain joinpoint.
What is serialization and deserialization in java programming?
What causes the "snapshot too old" error? How can this be prevented or mitigated?
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What is a java applet? What is an interface?
What does $_ post mean in php?
Is wpf open source?
What is asp format?
How can you load multi line records? : aql loader
Which was the international geo - physical year?
What is discontinuous strut?
Once setting replication, can you have distributor on sql server 2005, publisher of sql server 2008?
What is windows active directory authentication?
in a web page hoe to check the dynamic links that rechabging with out using regular expressions