what is the drawback of vsam dataset??
a.execution slow.
b.free space.
c.independent storage device.
d.none of the above.
let me know the answer with reason.

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what is the drawback of vsam dataset?? a.execution slow. b.free space. c.independent storage devi..

Answer / shenbagasundari pilavadian

b. Free space.

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what is the drawback of vsam dataset?? a.execution slow. b.free space. c.independent storage devi..

Answer / saikat

CI and CA split is the main drawback of VSAM

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what is the drawback of vsam dataset?? a.execution slow. b.free space. c.independent storage devi..

Answer / shenbagasundari pilavadian

b.free space
Because, it increases the disk space requirements of system.

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what is the drawback of vsam dataset?? a.execution slow. b.free space. c.independent storage devi..

Answer / e s hudders

The question is too vague because there are 4 different types of VSAM data sets. Eliminating Linear Data Sets (LDS) that are used by DB2, the other types of VSAM data sets have different purposes and can be used to substitute previous access method - KSDS replaces ISAM, RRDS replaces DAM and ESDS replaces SAM. There are many advantages to using VSAM especially when compared to the older access methods that run below the line. As far as free space and splits, this applies to KSDS and you need to compare it to its equivalent how ISAM handled new record insertions. So, personally although things like free space takes up more disk space is not as important as having the capability to insert records in a file and to be able to process it sequentially as well as direct. The resulting splits are the price of splits can occur but again compared to ISAM, this is not as costly.

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