I want to get sales data for the last (suppose 10) dates dynamically using value prompt how can i do it and drag it onto report editor.
6 12232Post New Target Micro Strategy Interview Questions
What are durable writes?
Pl fwd any type of faqs in marketing in sales
Why is java so popular?
What is transitional xhtml?
How do you open the scenario manager?
What is difference between mvc (model-view-controller) and mvp (model-view-presenter)?
Can python be multithreaded?
What are the implications of implementing database.stateful?
What is UDP (User Datagram Protocol)?
What is typedf?
Is it possible to define a new ember class?
Which one is better WebService and Remoting ?
List the types of recovery model available in sql server?
How has demonetization affected your household in particular?
Define some of the attributes of a test case?