how find the cut length of tringular ring and any formula find out the quantity of circular brick work
What is range keyword in go?
in the inspection plan I have a characteristic with upper limit. In which table can I find this value?
Who issues certificates and how?
What are the Advantages and Application Areas of PHP?
is it true there's a big difference in using Cummins or Denyo...especially power output or leakage
what are the steps I have to deal with?
What are the characteristics of database?
Explain the difference between dos and windows?
How are Hierarchy() and Hierachybelongsto() different from each other?
what is the last ant version you worked?how to get it
Explain what dietary fibre is and list out some of the good source of dietary fibres?
Tell me what is astrophysics?
Give an example of a standard object that’s also a junction object?
How to embed views onto webpages?