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Sterling Interview Questions
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What is the rating of your capacitor bank at your company.

36 80646

My L1B US visa got rejected on Apr'07, also my L1 induvidual got rejected on oct'07. what is the next time period for me to apply for L1B VISA again?

1 9191

What is the selection & Designing procedure for DG/Transformer

4 9692

what is the maximum Load capasity in LV-Panel,MDB,SMDB & Final DB'S in Electrical disribution system?

2 26413

Tell me some thing about your self which is not mentioned in the resume.


Name of the relay of low lub oil presuure in DG sets


why u want to work in the call center

4 11271

I have 380.KVA DG set how to Calculate the units from DG.

2 11432

What is Spliit and Splitless in Gas Chromatography nad How does it work?

4 11622

how to calculate cable size in diffrent loads?


Difference between Relief valve & pressure reducing valve ? Can we use pressure reducing valve instead of pressure relief valve ?

6 25944

what is the purpose of using semiconductors in HT cables

3 22256

explain maximum demand factor

1 2583

what is the job description of a LOW CURRENT ELECTRCIAL ENGINEER in a industry?

1 15651

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Un-Answered Questions

Explain the difference between .net 2000 and .net 2005(features)? Which one is better?


What is the servlet?


Why occurs cannot be used in 01 level in COBOL?


What are the advantages of .net?


why animal cells are not totipotent like plant cell?


What is seismic imaging?


How do I make text smaller?


Explain the difference between isolation transformers and step up or step down transformer?


Describe the sequence of action takes place on the server when ASP.NET application starts first time?


Can we use ajax in cakephp?


Who built the sears tower?


what is rendering of page in JSF?


What is typescript? What is the need for it in angular2?


How can child elements be specified upon using a sequence compositor?


Is binary tree a bst?