if we have a column (Key) in a table. and values of that column is Key 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 and we want to show the data after query..like.. 1(3) 2(3) 3(2) 4(2) 5(3) how many times a single term comes..
17 16037How to get employee name from employee table which is the fiveth highest salary of the table
20 25639Map map = new HashMap(2); map.add(“1”,”one”); map.add(“2”,”two”); map.add(“3”,”three”); What will happen at this line?
5 14652Write down program for following scenario. Use java coding standard. You have array list with some words in it..we will call it as dictionary….and you have a arbitrary string containing some chars in it. You have to go through each word of dictionary and find out if that word can be constructed with the help of chars from arbitrary string given. If you find the word print it else print none.
2429Post New Rolta Interview Questions
In sap gui can user enable the option for showing the keys on fields within the gui?
Explain Data Locality in Hadoop?
Describe the process for creating and adding to material BOMs. Include release procedure/status, notifications, responsibilities, authorizations, involved systems, Engineering Change Management, and so on.
What is the use of ::(scope resolution operator)?
What is difference between save and saveorupdate in hibernate?
How do you determine whether a string represents a numeric value?
How do I save my bookmarks to my desktop?
What's the difference between apache and tomcat?
What are the different Annotations in Salesforce and tell me with examples?
What is an escape sequence in c#?
Explain which is better to grow plants in rock sand or soil?
What is 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th generation processor?
Explain nuclear fission?
Is dtd better than xml?
What is mesh network