How to get employee name from employee table which is the fiveth highest salary of the table
20 26009Post New Rolta SQL PLSQL Interview Questions
I was asked to write a program in c which when executed displays how many no.of clients are connected to the server.
Which are all the commonly used Bordon tubes in the pressure gauges. Do any one use ASTM A 312 tubes for this purpose?
What is mvc mvp mvvm?
What is ULS viewer?
As per interoperatbility programs written in one language can be used by other language. How can we restrict the features of one language (say C#) in the programmer written in another language (say VB)..for example we have some features like operator overloading which is possible C#.NET (not in VB.NET), how can we restrict that when we are using this code in VB.NET.
What is the difference between methods & constructors?
Is ico understanding required to get a complete picture of blockchain technology?
How do I print something to scale?
Tell me how do you detect if two 8-bit signals are same?
How to check the version of apache server?
What is cost in sql execution plan?
What is a material ledger?
What is difference between webbased application, web enabled application and seb oriented application? Give some exapmles using Microsft languages?
what do you mean by a vsam slot?
What Winrunner framework did u use in ur organisation?