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Ramco Interview Questions
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Do view contain data?

6 10017

select 1,col1,col2 from table1. output?

5 9459

What is integrity constraints?

5 19851

use of IN/ANY/ALL

5 10189

How to select nth record from a table?

13 38468

What is the Memorandum voucher?

1 10437

what is diff between accrued and Outstanding Account?

2 4557

can we get all interview questions with answers in tally 9 which mostly asked in MNC's.

9 45471

What is the difference between CHAR and VARCHAR data types?

2 8152

actually i have 2 years teaching experience as computer faculty but now i am a DBA but when i go for interview many peoples asked me why i left my teaching profession and why i want to come in this field kindly give me the proper answer of this queston

3 5601

What is the Process of Fixed Asset From Inducation to Disposal & what are the journal entry in GL , AP AND IN OTHER MODULES

1 3369

What is the Entry in Oracle Apps AP,AR,GL for following Transations 1.One Pipe purchase at Rs.100 2.One Pipe Sales At Rs.150 Which account Afected ,What is the journal entry What is the entry at respective module how many modules are afected through above transation

8 15845

1) One mason per day how many cu.m work will do as per list given a) Brick work,hollow brick work and cc block work and plastering how many m2 per day 2) one carpenter per day how many m2 will do as well as scaffolding how many m3

12 228038

What is Primary Key?

4 9038

compare the thermocouple and pyrometer,which one is the best?why?

4 17170

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Explain the types of object repository?


What is known as the political price for an activity type? : co- cost center accounting


In SAS explain which statement does not perform automatic conversions in comparisons?


How do you test a method for an exception using junit?


How do we start & stop peoplesoft webserver in single server domain?


Write the benefits of using ioc?


What is iiucr in relation to petrol engine ?


What is the alternative structure for control structures?


Tell me a critical defect in which your Client,PM,PL appreciate on you


Can we nest the updatepanel controls? : ajax


Why dint delete the index.bat file in system?


How to measure current and voltage in an ELV circuit


How do I buy a domain?


why we have to particulary use ACB for below ratings,even available of MCB,MCCB with that range ?


To embed a view into another view, how you can do this?