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Aspire Interview Questions
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What is Alpha and Beta Testing?

37 182560

what is virtual function?

26 58350

what is message loop how mfc does it internally?

4 27632

What is accessibility testing

18 32619

What do you mean by peer rieviews

6 9901

What is Functional testing?

2 6257

. Token currency was introduced for the first time in India by (1) Ala-ud-din Khilji (2) Firuz Shah Tughluq (3) Ghiyaz-ud-din Tughluq (4) Muhammed-bin Tughluq

10 48342

How do u make sure the test cases are not repeated?

3 7286

How do u avoid redundant test cases?

1 7304

when doing regression testing, how can we know that other screen or module are affected?

4 7971

when we found problem occured in requirement while writing test case when communicate with client but they not accepting it is problem whether you continue further or not?

3 8640

In what sort of company do you like to work in? Why?

3 8828

how do we find every fifth record in a table

14 16691

java can provide security ,how can provide?

8 27940

What is meant by power factor correction?

5 11786

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Un-Answered Questions

What is pure oop?


what is the method deposit of wct in Delhi


Throw some light on internal process memory.


From which germ layer does coeloms originate?


What is Pre-Render event in ASP.NET?


where do u maintain all your test cases in manual not in selenium


35 year old lady with two previous consecutive first trimester miscarriages is found to have a 10 weeks missed miscarriage. How would you manage her?


Please tell me the earthing procedures adopted for the STAR-STAR 3 Phase transformer in india and give a better sugession for earthing


Explain what is electric traction?


What is a expression?


Why do we need a system alias if gw_core and iw_bep components are installed on the same abap system?


What are the main advantages of the microkernel approach to system design?


What is return data type?


What is the use of api's in cloud services?


What does numeric pyramid represent?