I need to take a sentence from input and sort the words alphabetically using the C programming language. Note: This is C not C++. qsort and strtok not allowed
4 15255What is the difference between a string copy (strcpy) and a memory copy (memcpy)? When should each be used?
829An application package has been provided to you without any documents for the following application. The application needs to be tested. How will you proceed?
888Post New Aspire C Interview Questions
How to make sure that your project build does not break in jenkins?
what does a special set of tags do in PHP?
explain how do you use macro?
What do you like and dislike about job we are discussing?
What are organizational units?
What is a sql instance vs database?
What is the difference between index time and search time?
What all can a PeopleSoft Patch contain.
You are of electrical field and you are going for software? Why
What is unix in simple terms?
How does unix file system work?
Can you name the data management tools in salesforce?
which command is used to check the backup status in tsm?
Highlight main points of Union Budget 2017?
What is subquery explain with example?