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Persistent Interview Questions
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What is Applet Flickering ?

1 6129

What is singleton class?

16 67868

what do you meant by Platform-Independent in Java?

6 26844

why Java is not purely object oriented?

9 12036

What do you meant by Runtime Polymorphism?

2 6320

Difference between abstract class and Interfaces in Java

9 19123

How many page directive we can use in a single JSP?

2 13411

Can we use methods in JSP? If so where the methods are stored in servlet class file?

6 26643

what do you meant by Platform-Independent?

6 12508

Why Java is not purely object oriented?

50 69787

what do you meant by Runtime Polymorphism?

13 33111

Difference between Hash Table and Hash Map?

10 20594

What are the OOPS concepts?

106 307124

if a number is choosen between 100 and 999 includeing these numberrs what is the provbabilty that the number selected does not contain a 7 is

23 43644

What is a semaphore?

20 50024

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List some sorting functions in php?


how to set kernal parameters in solaris 10&9?


Can a firm claim preliminary expenses incurred(manufacturing) or only its is applicable to Companies? can a firm claim ,1/5 of such expenses incurred as deduction as in case of Companies? or any other procedure.


What materials were used to build the golden gate bridge?


What is the difference between a substructure and an append structure? : abap data dictionary


what are the disadvantages of soft agar assay?


What is the css clear property?


defination of lines


What do you understand by the gdp of the country?


what is the use of QCUtil? explain with one example?


Is python is a case sensitive?


What is pl sql collection?


Walk me through how Amazon Kindle books would be priced.


What does the key mean in access?


What is the implicit name of the parameter that gets passed into the class set method?