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Persistent Interview Questions
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char* ptr = "Rahul"; *ptr++; printf("%s",ptr); What will be the output

9 13448

wat is class level lock and object level lock

3 21387

write a program using linked list in which each node consists of following information. Name[30] Branch Rollno Telephone no i) Write the program to add information of students in linked list


How will u write the test case if u dont have the requirements and ahve the similar application

7 11151

How will you transfer file from remote server to your machine if ftp is disable

2 7864

What are the advantage of using V models?

5 9215

how to find the number of possible tree in the given tree.

12 24895

There are 4 identical tabulates 2 for fever and 2 for cough, you have to take 1 tabulate of fever and 1 tabulate of cough, if you consume 2 same type of tabulates you will die. then how to consume tabulates???

9 24524

Persistent Placement Paper (Dec 2 2010)

2 16821

Write a program to count the no. of occurrence of word in given string Ex- Ram is good boy. Ram is doing good job. Ram – 2 is – 2 good – 2 boy – 1 doing –1 job – 1


There are numbers from 1 to n, which are inverted such that it results in numbers from n to 1. If only two consecutive numbers are stampled at a time and are inverted, how many moves are required?

7 22712

what is difference between .dll and .exe files?

3 8568

What are software testing metrics

1 2450

C statement to copy a string without using loop and library function..

2 12114

In which type of testing testing started from requirement phase?

3 8937

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A cantilever beam carrying uniformly distributed load will be ?


How do you measure the moment of inertia?


List server requirements for installing laravel 5.5?


What are the steps you would take to transfer employee's salary from hr to fi?


What is a business logic layer?


Give the equivalent binary word for the polynomial x8+x2+x+1.


Explain me why are all the comments being moderated?


Why is strain a major factor in aircraft engineering?


What is polymorphism in python?


How you can access the values from the Repeater control in ASP.NET?


Write a program to encrypt the data in a way that inputs a four digit number and replace each digit by (the sum of that digit plus 7) modulus 10. Then sweep the first digit with the third, second digit with the fourth and print the encrypted number.


for what purpose we use MDM(master data management)tell me plz.


Tell me the 3 to 4 functional specification?


How do I create a free wordpress website?


Will water damage concrete?