Where is powerpoint used?
Define data contracts?
Difference between ‘is-a’ and ‘has-a’ relationship in java?
Where actually sql azure database is hosted?
How do you set up outlook?
plz send me the placement interview question and answers of whizchip(technical and apttitude)..i have an interview in next.
What are the advantages of using sql stored procedures instead of adhoc sql queries in an asp.net web application?
What does slicing mean in python?
What is the most powerful coding language?
Does concurrenthashmap allow null?
Is it possible to pass parameters to triggers?
How do I select multiple sheets in excel using the keyboard?
What are some html5 new tags?
How many normal and special peroids can be there in a fiscal year? How do you open and close periods?
Explain the difference in an abstract class and an interface?