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What is the difference between an EXE and a DLL?

18 58171

tell me about yourself what content should be told

8 20811

what is the difference between Test-bed, Test-lab & Test-environment ? explain it briefly ?

4 19904

Explain 5 Test Matrixes

9 15610

how to find the second highest salary from emp table?

211 335124

What are Testing Metrics? Explain

3 14947

explain the 5 types test matrics?

1 2413

How can I test the unix shell in QTP

2 10409

Please explain test matrices

2 13925

write a code for large nos multilication (upto 200 digits)

2 8742

when we enter url,one page should open.write a vb script ,that page is open or not

2 9707

what is the mail use of frame work(with detail). architecture for keyword driven frame work


What is test metrics? give example of it.

8 18640

What is difference between individual test team testing and self testing by developer? give pros n cons.

2 8426

Persistent Interview Questions

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What are the Parameters in Tableau?


Explain the cycling frequency hopping in gsm technology?


How do I get to outlook settings?


Explain catch command.


What is public cloud?


Does aws support postgresql?


which date sensex was a top positon n how much?


is it possible to desable particular parameter of the normal orcle report based on some condition ?????? if yes,wht is the function for desabling a parameter...


2. You are required to prepare a Profit & Loss Account for the year ending 31st December, 2007 and the Balance Sheet on that date. The Trial Balance of XYZ Ltd. for the year ended 31st December 2007 is as follows:- Trial Balance of XYZ Ltd. as on 31st Dec. 2007 Debit Balances Rs. Credit Balances Rs. Materials used 3,50,000 Sales(including 2% Sales tax) 9,18,000 Cost of Labour 1,50,000 Sale of Scrap 100 Stock, finished and work in process on 31st December, 2006 50,000 Rent received 2,000 Wages : Factory Staff 15,000 Discounts 2,750 Directors Remuneration 50,000 Recovered against fire claim re : Stock 5,000 Salaries : Clerical Staff 75,000 Capital : Equity 25,000 Insurances : Workmen’s Compensation 1,500 Preference- 9% 8,000 General, fire etc. 2,000 Creditors 1,56,000 Directors’ Life Insurance 1,500 Provision for Taxation 1,05,000 Maintenance : Buildings 1,000 Profit & Loss Account 13,750 Plant and Machinery 12,500 Rent and Rates of premises and hire of plant 20,000 Heat, Light and Power 15,000 Experimental and Laboratory Expenses 10,000 Canteen Expenses 5,000 Staff Welfare expenses 2,500 Motor Expenses 12,500 Professional Charges 2,800 Postage and Telephone 3,500 Books, Printing and Stationery 11,000 Sundry expenses 10,000 Carriage and Packing on Sales 3,300 Discounts 5,000 Debtors 1,78,000 Freehold Property 50,000 Plant and Machinery 12,500 Fixtures and Fittings – Offices 3,500 Office machinery and Equipment 3,000 Motor Car and Van 6,500 Stock of materials on 31st Dec. 2007 1,20,000 Bank 38,000 Sales Tax Paid 15,000 12,35,600 12,35,600 Depreciation is to be provided at the following rates: Plant and Machinery 10% Fixture and Fittings 05% Office Machinery, etc. 10% Motor Vans and Cars 25% The stock of finished goods and work in progress as on 31st December, 2007 was Rs. 35,000. Provide for preference dividend and ordinary dividend at 10%. The total taxation liability is estimated at Rs.1,50,000 of which Rs. 75,000 relates to the current year. Debtors include Rs. 10,000 deposited as security against government contracts. The Works Manager is paid partly by salary and partly by a commission; he is entitled to a commission of 5% on the amount by which the surplus in the factory cost exceeds 20% of the sales for the period. Charge the commission if any in the Profit and Loss Account.


How to dump a table from a database.


How to change host file in windows xp?


regular expression in qtp standar check point for months from accepting months from january to december only


How to use the same COBOL program in Batch and CICS on lines? explain with an example


What do you mean by scope of a variable in c?