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Mecon Interview Questions
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Do you know the overhauling of a motor?

12 55530

why is the core of the underground cable is spiral in shape instead of straight?

8 8454

why we are using panel space heaters in different control schemes????

3 9663

what is pressure relief valve?where it is used????

4 38678

what is the procedure for cable sizing or on what basis we will calculate the size of cable?????

6 20121

what are lightning masts?what is their purpose???

1 2892

What is a liquid resistance starter?where it is used??

15 86269

how netral CT is selected (including its details specification)

8 41384

Why the core of a underground cable is spiral in shape instead of straight??

3 6031

why there is a phase shift lies between primary and secondary voltages of a transformer?

7 23327


3 6615

what is difference between fan and blowers

11 36183

what is the meaning(definition)of EN grade of steel and also tell whats the full name of EN?

15 70067

Why Pressure Transmitter is NOT installed before up-stream of an ORIFICE PLATE? in a flow measurement.

4 7739

If A driver drives a car four times a lap 10,20 30,60 kmph what is his average speed.

1 2058

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Define master/detail report?


I am selected for interview jr executive(electronics)in AAI.i have the interview on 13th october2010.please anyone send the requirements and share the interview details who had completed.if u have any details plz send to r @09491955876....i'm in tense.....


A roof has a U value = 0.65 W/m2 .C. Extra insulation is to be provided. This insulation has a thermal resistance = 1.5 m2"C/W. Calculate the new improved U value.


What is enableviewstate?


Tell me what is seo and introduce its types?


How can you relate the goals you have for yourself to the goals of Aeropostale?


How would you reverse characters of an array without using indexing in the array.


What is the difference between Workgroup and Access Group?


Explain the process of digest cycle in angular?


Explain about garbage collection?


How many moles of hcl are present in .70 l of a .33 m hcl solution?


How to convert 2 phase to 3 phase electricpower in induction moter?


Explain what is the difference between regression testing and retesting?


Explain if rule availability is set as withdrawn?


Write a syntax for update query in oracle?