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MBT Interview Questions
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what is virtual object?

4 7383

what is batch mode, how can u run ur tests in batch mode?

3 8814

Are you created any custom dialog box during test runs?

1 3298

what is the TSL statement for pass/fail crieteria appear in the test results of TD?

1 3008

what is the diff between test strategy & test methodology?

2 5563

what r the contents in defect reporting?

3 5577

how u can crate a database checkpoint in ur script?

2 5950

how u can connect database without using any wizard in winrunner?

1 5082

what r the contents in usecase?

6 13988

what r the strategies & methodologies r u following in preperation of test cases based on usecase?


In an Testing interview the following question asked. who will write usecases?

5 7277

At what phase tester role starts?

8 10461

how u can do integration testing and what r the approaches u need to follow?

5 8528

when obligatory & optional properties cannot uniquely identifying an object then in that case which method u r follow for identifying object in Win Runner ?

1 4223

how can u report bugs in manual testing?

7 21894

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How can a successful and thorough systems analysis be ruined by a poor system design? Answer the question relative to these factors: a) The impact on the subsequent systems implimentation phase. b: The lifetime of the system after it is placed inti operation c) The impact on future projects


Explain something about the new element?


ow can i get certificate of competency as electrical supervisor and my diploma in electrical engineering from jalgaon.


At Present Situation in sensex market is low, It converts the whole human being life into the depth. When and how it will change? Is it possible?


What do the f keys do in excel?


What is html mdn?


What is aircombining?


What is the difference between read and readline in c#?


How to filter boolean field in soql?


Explain about security attributes?


Define What is passive earth pressure ?


How to stop a loop early with break statements in ms sql server?


What is WSDL? Explain its architecture?


How to get list of available floating ips from the command line?


What is cbp?