If the length and width of a rhombus is increased by 30% and 25% respectively, the rectangle formed from it will have an area _____ more than the area of the rhombus. (a) 60% (b) 75% (c) 62.5% (d) 55%
1 3289Post New MBT RRB Interview Questions
Explain enumerated types.
what is difference between primary distribution and secondry distribution of cost in a cost centre
Clarify application modeler.
Differentiate between Canvas and SVG?
Tell me what type of salary are you looking for? : insurance sales
Exception functions like exceptiondetail() and exceptiontype() cannot be used in recovery mode. Is this true or false?
What is meant by led?
What are the two different ways of building a match code object? : abap data dictionary
How to assign the counters to the service contracts products?
Which Namespace is used to to achieve MultiThreading in .NET?
Explain basic weaves with the help of illustration?
How the Sy-Mandt value gets updated in the table and Is this having any foreign key relationship.
Explain the purpose of XSLT in XML?
What is the current latest version of tableau desktop(as of feb.2015)?
What are the databases that are available to be used with the web logic j2ee connector architecture?