what is the working principle of energy saver control panel. please give the complete calculation & theory.
1980When we use air circuit breaker, it has O/L protection ,time delay SC protection, Instataneous SC protection & ground fault protection. They all have some setting range. But what is the suitable/allowable setting for the above protection which will be safe for the equipment? For example-O/L protection setting have a range of (0.4,0.45,0.5,0.55,0.6,0.65,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0)xIn Time delay SC protection have a range of (1.25,1.5,2,3,4,6,8,10,12)xIn Time delay setting is 0.02,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4 Instataneous setting is fixed to 20xIn Gound fault setting is given 100A,300A,600A,900A,1200A This setting are for 2500A ACB. So what will be the basic allowable setting for the above protection? is there any formulae to calculate this<
1817i m BSc ( Bio) and MBA ( Fresher) in marketing,i wanna to know which type of job i can get in pharma sector. i face the quastaion in the interview that why do u choose this sector for the job after MBA
1 5076why KBr is used in FTIR SPECTROSCOPY and why is it necessary to triturate KBr during FTIR analysis?
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