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Keane India Ltd Interview Questions
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how to caluculate income tax depriciation and depriciation ? what does the acts?

1 5122

differnce between the 4.7& 6.0

1 4636

what iss document spliting?

3 7109

open item mgt a/c are all the balance sheet a/c but all balance sheet a/c are not are all openitem mgt plz explain? plz send the mail id


why are you assign for the company code to the ,fiscal varient, postnig period varient, field status varient, and controlling area?what is reasions?

2 5433

what is the difference between integration testing and end to end testing?

6 57004

What is cutover data and when will you upload to production client? whether before go live or after go live?

4 17895

Immediate Job opening for mainframe professionals in Keane Bangalore. Please find the below details: Organization: Keane India Location: Bangalore Skill: COBOL, JCL,VSAM,DB2,CICS,IMS,REXX,CLIST Exp: 1 to 4 years only Employment Type: Permenant Employee Note: If you have attended keane interview in past 6 months please ignore this job opening. Please respond to email id OR with your latest resume and following details, We will contact you within 24 hours: Total IT Exp: Exp in Mainframe: Current CTC: Expected CTC: Notice Period:


What is the difference between use case and test case? give example.

9 27659

suppose we have values like 1 5 7 in a colum.Now we want numbers like(2 3 4 6) that exists between 1 5 7.How can we do this using sql query??

5 8812

what are the different types of defects that can be found out in real time?How can we recognize what are the features to be tested and not to be tested in a system test plan?

2 4614

what are the ways to crash an application when it is unter testing?

3 5159

1. can we do APP run for more than 5 co., codes? 2. what are the various issues raise at the time of APP run?

1 5307

can we call web service from the browser?

2 4239

What all issues come especially in pharma projects.What are the business scenarios we are using in the pharma projects

1 4033

Post New Keane India Ltd Interview Questions

Keane India Ltd Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is normalization and list the different types of normalization?


What are the Tags available in Blue Prism?


Why deletion in linkedlist is fast than arraylist?


What do you mean by 2-3 tree?


vat on liquor vat on food ? vat on bevrages ? vat on tobaco? vat on gold?


Explain which is better to grow plants in rock sand or soil?


what is the good prasentation on interview


What is roll-up summary?


how would you troubleshoot blocking? : Sql server database administration


What is u value?


Hi friends, currently i am working with banking domain project in the part of testing..what kind of questions will be ask at interviews.. can anybody listout the project oriented questions which are asked in interviews...


Can you explain common systems area?


How do you inspect a selection option?


How to do 301 redirects in laravel?


I have two different source structure tables, but I want to load into single target table? How do I go about it? Explain in detail through mapping flow.