Q.How primary file can be defined in RPG/400?Please write the senario with opcode specification?
3 10042Consider a business transaction, which is run in the LR tool (takes 2sec), but when run manually (takes 4sec). Please explain??
3 6338When a business transaction, is run in LR and QTP (the response time= same for both 2 sec , No of user = 1). Which tool would you opt for???
3 6398Post New Keane India Ltd Interview Questions
Define namespace in c++?
Where is the database stored?
Why is outlook opening in safe mode?
What is the host name for outlook?
Hi, I have advance payment scenario where customer want advance payment cannot be used against another sales order and against any credit limit. Let me put one example. Customer X is having credit limit of 1000 USD, if my client is received customized product order then he will take advance for this special order but customer X is already enjoying credit limit of 1000 USD. In this scenario my client wants advance payment received cannot use against any sales order and against any credit limit. If I will post advance payment in F-29 then customer credit exposure will decrease against credit limit in FD32 which will affect normal sales order credit limit. Here customer does not want to utilize advance payment against credit limit of customer which is use for normal sales order. Please suggest
what is the maximum number of subfiles that can specified in a display file ?
Can you explain an application boundary?
Do you know what is lambda in python?
how many types of spped sensors n vibration sensors?their basic principle n connection?
Expalin the different types of variable available in the metabot?
What is lambda expression in linq c#?
How can a process be deployed in soa?
Which property of the errorprovider control automatically sets to the form to which?
What’s the difference between not-running, inactive, active, background and suspended execution states?
What is java application server?