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ITC Infotech Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is constitution means

51 75665

what is project system Landscape?

6 14528

What is HRD?

19 37632

What is PCN?s?

3 23820

what is the access sequence for header conditions

8 32711

How can you submit a job from COBOL programs?

2 11329

How are programs reinitiated under CICS ?

1 6226

For a CICS-DB2 program, how is the plan referenced?

2 13232

What are the different types of schemas?

11 84334

please tell me how to explain the project by taking any project (like banking product), how to start explaing?what will be the order of priority e.g.,like purpose, modules, HLDs LLDs etc., in testing point of view (as a testengineer). rightnow i can't explain my project though i've done plz help me ..

9 63496

how should we start our self introduction.what is the sequence should we after our name then what we have to say.

41 547386

What does the keyword DCB mean and what are some of the keywords associated with it?

3 8641

What is C&F agency?

40 489947

what is the difference between user-exit & customer-exit?

4 60893

What is the testing process followed in ur company?

8 34216

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ITC Infotech Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

what are different record spacing keywords in rlu ?


What is crontab? Explain with suitable example?


What is the functionality of a jms message producer?


I would like to know the version or name of SAP that is implemented in real time?


when sitelinks are set at both the campaign and ad group level, which will be displayed?


Explain why "self" is needed instead of "this".


worst case complexities of Quick sort and Merge sort.


What is the difference between custom controls and user controls?


Explain jsessionid and when is it created?


Explain what is workflow?


What are the advantages of template engines?


List the data structures which are used in rdbms, network data modal, and hierarchical data model.


What are the settings for Transport?


How many arguments can the range() function take?


What java is used for?