please tell me how to explain the project by taking any
project (like banking product), how to start explaing?what
will be the order of priority e.g.,like purpose, modules,
HLDs LLDs etc., in testing point of view (as a
testengineer). rightnow i can't explain my project though
i've done plz help me ..
Answers were Sorted based on User's Feedback
Answer / kanaka suresh macherla
How to Explain a Project?
1. Tittle of the Project
2. Use of the Project
3. Type of Application (web based/ windows based)
4.No.of modules., there names
5.overview of all the modules
6.internal functionality in your module: overview, prototype
of the application, input output validations, usecases etc
as per your FRS document.
7.Explain how you performed testing on your module
8.When to do manual testing and when to do automation testing.
9.Automation tool used in your module.and expalin what al
the concepts you have used.
10.defects identified in your module.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 141 Yes | 5 No |
Answer / tushar
Fistly explain u r 1.prject name
2.purpose3.advantage as compare to
other systems 3.operation 4.useful
automation and simulations
Is This Answer Correct ? | 8 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / sumesh nair
1.Title of the project
2.Problem statement: i.e a short description of your project.
3.Reason to select the topic: explain that what is the reason for which your doing this project .
4.Objective and scope of the project: main objective of the project i.e working of the project and use of it.
5.Methodology : what type of method like using which type of life cycle in your project for e.g RAD model, spiral model, incremental model.
6.Hadrware and Software component: i.e what all hardware and software components will be used during development of this project and even during implementation.
7.Testing technology: type of testing like black box testing and white box testing.
8.Project contribution: project contribution towards the socity.
9.Project limitations.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 5 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / ramya sri
how to explain my project
for example automatic railway gate
plz tell me
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / kanaka suresh macherla
Hi Eswari,
"Regression testing is a type of testing in which one can
perform testing on the already tested functionality just to
make sure that it is refined to the perfection(resolving the
bug) and also to make sure that the existing right
functionality is un effected due to the adding new
functionality or new change to the existing right functionality.
So, coming to your question,explaining about new features in
the project itself is not regression testing. when ever you
find a change to the existing functionality by adding new
feature or new change, then you have to explain such changes
under regression.
suppose if u ensure that the defect is reproducible,and keep
testing the feature again and again that comes under
re-testing. so explain such features if any.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 5 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / eswari
Hi Suresh,
For eg:
If i have taken a banking project means,
How to explain regression testing,retesting in Qtp.
For regression testing does i need to explain them about
the new features in the project.pls suggest me how to
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / ramesh
How to explain web applications in dotnet please give me some examples
And web developer responsibilityies ( sqlserver and dotnet)
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / anandini
firstly be confident....
look in their eyes straightly and explain it and when u r
explaining then keep a smile in ur face
Is This Answer Correct ? | 13 Yes | 18 No |
Answer / allin
For example for any domain, customer address is mandatory.
Address(name, house no, stree name, district, pin code etc).
suppose your module scope is address search with individual
fields(mandatory/ Non-mandatory).
so you can, entire application(module)gole is address
listing search.
1)address search by name
2)address search by pin code
3)address search by phone number
4)address search by street name
5)address search by house number
this is very simple example.
so paper work very important to analyze your functionality.
best of luck....................
Is This Answer Correct ? | 22 Yes | 39 No |
what is Retesting and what is the difference between Retesting and Regression testing?
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