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IGCAR Mechanical Engineering Interview Questions
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how will u design a pipe?

11 19653

how a centrifugal pump is working?

15 42048

what is the exact requirement of priming?

13 14109

what is cavitation ?

13 27836

exactly how a vapor bubble can destroy impeller?

3 7010

from where u will get friction factor 'f' in darcy's formula?

7 14618

what is the relation between f and reynolds number?

5 13212

Explain QH curve of a Centrifugal Pump?. Will it ever touch X axis?. If it ever touch when? When will you go for Reciprocating pump?. why can't you use centrifugal pumps for pumping viscous fluids?. Why head of a centrifugal pump is independent of density of fluid?.

1 7927

Suppose water is there in a pot. It is being heated continuously untill formation of superheated steam. What is the temperature profile of water?. What is the temperature profile of the pot?.Imagine pot is heated from bottom.

1 2592

What is the importance of Prandtl Number in heat transfer?. Compare the prandtl numbers of Air, water and Liquid metal. If prandtl number is more what do you understand?. Will you provide fins to enhance heat transfer when prandtl number is less?.

1 4283

What is the difference between torque and moment?. is there any difference between pressure ans stress?.

6 10019

Stress will produce strain or will strain produce stress?. How do you explain?.

4 15142

Two pumps connected in series , what will be the shape of QH curve ?. What will be the shape if they are in parallel.

1 2663

Why stainless steel is corrosion resistant?. What is stress corrosion cracking?.

6 9658

How will you size a pipe?. What is Darcy's formula?. From where you will get friction factor "f" ?. In darcy formula substitute f = 16/Re and now you see hf proportional to V instead of V square. How do you explain?.


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sir my exam is on 19/6/2013 under electrical branch pls send me sample aptitude questions as well as sample technical questions for jindal steel and power company


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