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ICAI Interview Questions
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How is the Cost of Goods Calculated????

13 16425

Bank Overdraf is an Asset or a liability for a Bank?

28 82404

Capital secure should be shown in which side of the balance sheet???

3 7469

What is the formula of Debt Equity Ratio? Also define its importance in a firm.

6 13711

what is the difference between prepaid expenses and preliminary expenses?

6 30413

What is an Acrual Interest? In which side of the Balance Sheet, it should be shown????

13 22086

What do you mean by an Inter-state Sale. How does it taken Place in a state????

14 81544

What is the diferrence between a balance sheet and a capital account????

5 16520

what is the deffnation of stt ? and how many rate of stt?

2 7661

What is stock transfer? for ex: if i purchase a product in chennai and i tranfer it to our branch which is in bangalore. shall the blr office can bill the product to their customer in blr.(purchse frm chennai and bill in blr office is possible?

4 31102

Capital secure should be shown in which side of the balance sheet?


Sir,I want to be good in accounting .Now i have got an oppurtunity to work in accounts department but i am average in accounts.So how can i improve and work with effiency guide me with ur tips.


what are the accounting standards prevailed now in India. Give a short description about each of them

2 5619

what are the ifrs

1 4811

cost of lease=20,000.refundable deposits 2000 (after 4 years).annuity value for 4 years @5% is .2820.find the net charge to p&l a/c


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What is difference between 'assign' and 'retain' keyword?


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What is the difference between structures and unions?


Explain the difference between using macro and inline functions?


Please tell me about the pH of Polycaboxylic ether is it in the 5-6 range ever or more than 6


What do you mean by innovation?


My friend has done the DMLT(Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology)Now she wants to do further education.What should she do? Please Guide which would be best for her


are you ready to relocate if required?


How does a digital electronic meter work??????


What is @joincolumn in hibernate?


Define singleton activation mode in .net remoting?


Why Does Currency Value Fluctuates?


Is WCT paid to be considered as overhead during costing in construction firm?


Why do we use static class in c#?


What is difference between == and === in js?