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IBS Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

why are you joining call centre?

9 11450

how many call centres ?

4 6749

what is diffrence between Function Oriented Design and Obeject Oriented design

11 113307

Difference between windows application and web application? Which is the best for updation purpose?

5 7959

Can we use multiple web.config files in an sigle appliction?

3 5517

What is the difference between application object and session object?

4 15137

Difference b/w casting and boxing?

5 8173

why java has the size of character 2 byte ,while in c/c++ it is of 1 byte?

8 23876

why neutral busbar size is half of the phase busbar size in control panels

1 11477

There are 100 keys and values in to get the keys and values?

1 5771

For a functionality we have 20 test cases, among 20 testcases 15 of them are Passed and 5 Failed. How will you report to your Manager ? Does the functionality passed or failed or partial passed/failed ??

1 4537

What are the Major Functionality for a ATM machine ??

1 5019

For a functionality 50 test cases are passed and we released the code with all the test reports etc etc.. But in customer side all the 50 test cases are failed. How will you answer for this error to ur manager and Customer?

2 5842

why neutral busbar size is SAME of the phase busbar size UPTO 200A IN LT PANELS

1 3904

why delegate is type safe?


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What do you mean by list comprehension?


What is dynamic typing in iOS operating system?


What is lazy and eager initialization?


Who is rand fishkin?


What do you understand by a workspace in r programming language?


Program will then find the largest of three numbers using nested if-else statements. User is prompted to enter three numbers. Program will find the largest number and display it on the screen. All three numbers entered by the user are also displayed. If user enters 21, 33, and 5, the output should be as follows: You entered: 21, 33 and 5. The largest number is 33.


Does python have oops concepts?


What should you do in a passive method?


How do I reset iis in windows 10?


What all medical aid you can carry with permission from security personnel?


Explain stream in node.js along with its various types.


What is alt text for images?


What is the use of comment?


What is the latest angular?


What is alternative hypothesis?