Tell me about women empowerment

Answer Posted / raghu varma

The role of women in society has been greatly overseen in the last few decades
Women and Today’s Society The roughout history, men have traditionally been regarded as superior to women in both power and status.Through out the ages the roles of women are always changing. Some ages and cultures view the role of a woman as the child bearer. Others look to all aspects of home-life and treat women as child bearer, cook, and maid. As the times change a modern picture of women is becoming almost equal to men we see women in the work force, women with cell phones, cars, and responsibilities greater than simply raising children.Recently, however, feminists in Western societies have fought against the that have allowed men to be dominant over women. Much has been accomplished; women, for example, are now attending colleges and graduate schools in record numbers. In addition, the number of women in the work force has increased significantly.There was a time when women were just the kitchen keepers and the housekeepers in the Indian society. That was treated as the only field for their activity.

Gradually women began to get educated, even highly educated, and a stage came when some of them came out on the social and political field to rub shoulder with the men equally. In the freedom struggle of India, there are notable names of women who took an active part in the different movements and even reached thetop. This was the opening up of the new horizon for womanhood in India.Women now are in every career and in every field. But this has its own problemstoo. They have to be mothers, and as mothers, they have to give birth to childrenand also to rear them up. This becomes for them a major problem. It is the desireof all parents that their children are well looked after; they are properly nursedand cared for and grow up healthy.The major part of this responsibility falls upon the woman the mother. In this way balancing between official duties and the home front presents the women-with-a-career, enormous problems. Whatever said or done, the Indian society still remains a man-dominated society and the wife may respectably be called the better half.” These are some of the basic and fundamental problems which thecareer-oriented woman in the present Indian society has to face.

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