Tell me about your most memorable moment.

Answer Posted / aanchal

When i was in 8th standard in my mid term exams i hv scored the best in 3 main subjects maths science nd english. My science teacher came to our class ns start scolding us nd said same on u only one student hd shown me that i hv taught u something she has scored 81/90 nd rest of ........then we asked him who is she sir he said tanya we praised her. After some time sir again came nd asked who is 17 roll i said its me sir he clearify that u hv scored 81 i was surprised nd in english i hv scored 89.5 that was really unbelievable for me nd my teacher too he was well known that i will score the most bt that much unexpected he rechecked my exam atleast 5-6 times nd also gave it to others to calculate the marks may be mistaken in counting bt it was the same for every one
That two moments are my life's best moments these are my memorable moments my best

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