in lsmw,where u write the code?
Answer Posted / venkateswarlu.bandi
LSMW is used to data migration from non sap systems to the
sap sytems. and also used for the mapping the fields one to
one.three importnat points in LSMW. the data from legacy systems.
2.convert the data from source to target format.
3.import the data using the batch input,idocs,bapi's
transaction code is : LSMW
in this lsmw give the project name, sub project name,
object name.
after giving all the projects names it will disply the 14
steps. these are filled manually by the user.
1.maintain the object attributes
2.maintain source sturcture.
3.maintain source field.
4.maintain structure ralation.
5.maintain field mapping and conversion rules.
6.maintain user transactions.
7.specify files
8.assing files data.
10.display data.
11.convert data.
12.display and convert data.
13.create batch input. the batch input.
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