Tell me about a movie you have seen
rescently. Tell me about yourself

Answer Posted / arunprakash

Really i feel anxious to tell about a movie which i hav
seen recently is The reader. The most touching story i hav
ever seen. instead to cripple out every thing they hav
croped out the important thing in each character and they
hav shown in that movie... and most lovable...The story
shows the love between a 45 year old lady with a boy 15.The
lady who acts in that is kate vinclet.

Now i feel anxious to tell about myself. This is
Arunprakash, i was brought up from Ariyalur, i creeped out
my schooling in Montfort matriculation and then i
immigrated myself to Adiparasakthi engineering college.I
was a compeerer from my 2nd year to till final year, and i
was an anchor too in a quiz in the year 2009.

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