Have you worked on any Enhancements? Give as many examples
as possible from your real time project data? Plz give more
emphasis on explanation, procedure and real time examples
from your project data. Please answer this question asap....
Its Urgent.... Looking forward for your express reply...I
have interview within 1-2 days. So, give reply to this query
asap.. I would be very grateful to you for your timely
help.Thanks in advance. Regards

Answer Posted / subha

Enhancement can be with respect to your customer or filed
related or even user specific

Let me give you an example on each

Customer enhancement:
In general sap once the order is confimred we create a
delivery fallwoed with pgi ; billing and posting into
accounts i.e profitability analysis

YOU Can say that u had add a new concept over hear that
you carried the confirmation at 2 stages beofre the good
actually left you lean warehouse one was order level withch
is tor and the other was at DELIVERY WHERE YOU DID PICKING
CUSTOERM SILL WANTS THE GOODS and thereby you save the
frieght cost and avoid last moment surprises at the intail
stage it slef

Secondly you can also tel that you had added new fileds
with respect to customer partner funcation other then the
normal one like sold to party ; ship to party ; bill to
aprty and payer

you also had added the column for ku sales partner

Now feild enhancement is adding you of new feild for the
client with rtepsect to aaddress or telephonce no or
decesion making atuoroty

This is basicall done by the abper through sednign for

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Sir, I'Ve interview with IBM . I want few SAP-SD real time tickets and its solution .Its urgent. Plz help me . thanks in Advance


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Hey hi........ I need 2 attend an interview...... presently am workin as SAP-SD support consultent, plz guide me wat the questions wil b asked by an interviwer as I go further as a consultent.... plz rply me urgently.......... I would be very grateful to you for your timely help.Thanks in advance. Regards


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