what are bootloaders in solaris booting? bootblk, ufsboot

Answer Posted / deepunix

Hi Sekher,

we are using Solaris OS on two different Hardware Platforms
1. x86 (Intel Compatible Hardware)
2. x64 (SPARC Hardware (Scalable Processor Architecture), Which is developed SUN (Stanford University Network) team).

for x86 machines we are using GRUB (Grand Unified Boot Loader) Boot loader program. for x64 machines we are using ufsboot program.

Basically we are using GRUB boot loader in Linux OS.

About Bootblk you need to understand whole booting process of Solaris.

1. VTOC (Volume Table of Contents): Contain Partition Table . Stores in 1st Sector of the Disk
2. Bootblk (Bootstrap Program): 1-15
3. Primary Super Block: 16-31
a. The number of data blocks
b. The number of cylinder groups
c. The size of a data block and fragment
d. A description of the hardware, derived from the label
e. The name of the mount point
f. File system state flag: clean, stable, active, logging, or unknown
4. Backup Super blocks: 32Sector
5. Cylinder Group.

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