I want to do Certification course in QTP. For this I
request you to suggest the best Tutorial in PDF format, as
i'm not in a possition to afford any 'Fee' to join in any
Hence, if possible, kinldy mail PDF file to my mail-ID:


Chakradhar Yadav.

Answer Posted / sumit gupta

It would be of great help if someone can send the material
to me.

My Mail Id is - sumit.gg@gmail.com
Thanks in advance.

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Please Help Members By Posting Answers For Below Questions

Differentiate the type of test cases which can be automated and which cannot be automated?


Hi any body pls help me for QTP 11.0 software free demo version. i have to practice. Kindly send the link.or where i have to download.


Step 3&4 are repeated until an the object in recognised uniquely.


How to automate a script in mainframes environment? I have the terminal emulator Add in. Describe in detail.


Explain data driven framework?


What is contained in the object repository?


when I try to run below script in QTP "totalPages" value is 2. But i am getting error message (Type mismatch: 'totalPages' Line (): "For i=1 to totalPages".) totalPages=Browser("Name:=User").Page("Title:=User").WebElem ent("innertext:=of.*").GetROProperty("InnerText") msgbox totalPages For i=1 to totalPages rnum=Browser("Name:=User").Page("Title:=User").WebTa ble("column names:=User Name;ID;Last Name;First Name").GetRowWithCellText("store4") If rnum>0 Then r=rnum Exit for End If Browser("Name:=User").Page("Title:=User").WebElement ("html tag:=A","x:=471").Click MsgBox "Exit" Next


if anyone has idea of the interview procedure in covansys, plz send me a mail?


How do I get the QTP scripts result in xml format by using vb script function?


Can anyone share/send me QTP 8.2 Crack as I had it before but now it's virus affected. Pls send me on Sawale.vijay@gmail.com Thanks, ~Vijay


Through array we can execute the testcase how ? give me example


How to attach a file to TD?


in a web page hoe to check the dynamic links that rechabging with out using regular expressions


What is the extension of QTP local Repository? If it is .mtr then what is .bdb extension stands for?


1.How to record ,capture and also script to capture the close buttons. 2.How to record ,capture and also script to capture the options ---File ->save and File ->close in a browser and PDF files. 3.How to compare the Excel sheet values in a report using QTP scripting. 4.How to compare 2 PDf reports using QTP scripts as well reording. 5.How to compare 2 Excel reports using QTP scripts as well reording. 6.How to save a PDF report to a folder and then translate the report to an Excel type of report and compare that Excel Report with an other excel report. Please clarify me