test cases for traffic signals in a four raod junction.

Answer Posted / mayur

Test cases for traffic signals in a four road junction?
1. Check the availability of the pole having light in
four directions.
2. Check the signal is not in between road, it beside
the road or it’s in center of the road with proper high so
that a container can easily go through it.
3. Check the power supply of the light.
4. Check it show proper time for red and green light.
5. Check the light is glowing as per traffic rule i.e.
start with green, yellow and then red.
6. check the traffic signal show yellow light after
11:00pm, the time will be differ for
the city wise.
7. Also check the traffic signal in rainy season its
working properly or not because there is a chance of short
circuit due to rain water drop on internal circuit.
Tell me if I am wrong.

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