upendar sharma

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Answers / { upendar sharma }

Question { Cap Gemini, 11832 }

Tell me some transaction types? How many Levels are there in


Defining a Transaction Type


A transaction type defines the attributes and
characteristics of a business transaction (for example,
sales order, service request, visit) and the controlling
attributes (for example, text determination procedure,
partner determination procedure, status profile,
organizational data profile). A transaction type controls
the processing of a particular business transaction.

The service process is used to represent services in the
system. From a business viewpoint, a service process can
take the character of an order, or can be used to enter a

You must define a transaction type and the necessary
controlling attributes according to your specific service


To define a transaction type, you must have first defined
the following determination procedures or profiles to
enable you to use them in your transaction type:

Partner determination procedure (see Defining a Partner
Determination Procedure)
Organizational data profile (see Setting Up Organizational
Data Determination)
Date profile (see Defining a Date Profile)
In addition, you should have defined number ranges for your
service processes (see Defining a Number Range).


In the Implementation Guide (IMG), choose Customer
Relationship Management ® Transactions ® Basic Settings ®
Define Transaction Types.
Define the transaction type by defining the important
controlling attributes, such as the leading business
transaction category, the partner determination procedure,
the organizational data profile, date profile and the
number range assignment, in addition to defining a key and
a short description of the transaction type. You must set
Service as the leading business transaction category so
that the service process items can be read later as service
tasks in the service item list in the Resource Planning
Select Assignment of Business Transaction Categories in the
dialog structure and assign the business transaction
categories Service and Business Activity.

You can assign one or more business transaction categories
to one transaction type. Only certain combinations of
business transaction categories are possible. Select the
additional business transaction categories according to the
leading business transaction category.

To use pricing, you must also assign the business
transaction category Sales to the transaction type.

Choose Customizing Header in the dialog structure to make
the Customizing settings for the header level for the
business transaction categories you selected.

You must make different settings here according to each
business transaction category.

You can maintain the fields Priority, Category, Goal and
Direction for the business transaction category Business
Activity. Maintaining the fields Task, Calendar and Subject
Profile has no effect since these are not used in Service.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 1 No

Question { Cap Gemini, 7259 }

How will you create Activity when you trigger e-mail campaign?


Generate leads and conversions automatically, when you set
up powerful triggered email campaigns.

Triggered emails are the secret weapon which can transform
your lead and conversion generation into an automated
production line!

Create unlimited triggered email campaigns, in
BrotherMailer, based on any data segments and variables you
choose from your database.

This BrotherMailer tool is incredibly user friendly:
Simply set the conditions and when the conditions are met,
your email is automatically sent, saving you resource and
generating response.

Use BrotherMailer to create any variation on 4 types of
automated emails:

1. Series trigger campaigns
BrotherMailer will automatically schedule and send any
series of targeted multiple communications you want to put
in place, including renewal programmes, prospect warming
and free trial conversions.

2. Behavioural triggers
Maximise the power of your campaign! Create settings which
fire bulk emails automatically to targeted individuals,
based on who has opened a particular email campaign or
clicked on a particular link.

3. Custom event trigger
Hundreds of 'custom event' triggers are available to drive
your automated campaigns when you use BrotherMailer,
including customers’ buying patterns and expressed
preferences, to birthdays, seasons and holiday dates.

4. Auto-response emails
Ensure your customers contact you through the best channel
by setting up auto-responses to recipients who reply to an
email directly.

Choose the levels of Triggered email activity that is right
for you. Click here to compare BrotherMailer packages

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { Cap Gemini, 6676 }

What is a BP field grouping? Why is it used?


• If you are talking about field groupings for a
business partner in CRM then it is used to define which
fields based on your requirement can be made as an 1)
Require an entry (required entry),2) Are ready for input
(optional entry),3) Are displayed (display),4)Are hidden
(hide),For example: when you are creating a customer you
want the conatact number of the Customer and you want to
make it mandatory, this can be done using field groupings.
• you can follow this path to customize-
spro>img>cross application components>SAP Business
Partner>Business Partner>Basic settings>Field groupings.
It gives 4 options to configure the fields-1)configure
field attributes as per client, 2)configure field
attributes as per BP role, 3)configure field attributes as
per Activity, 4)configure field attributes as per BP type.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

Question { Cap Gemini, 16639 }

Difference b/w BP Role and Partner Function?


BP Role is a setting in the Business Partner master data.
Partner Functions viz; Activity partner, Sold- to party,
Ship- to party etc are are used in the different CRM Orders
like Activities, Tasks, Opportunities.
Business Partner Role is not involved into the Partner
Determination process or Business Transactions. Again, only
Partner Functions and Relationships are used instead

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 2 No