dinesh gupta

{ City } bangalore
< Country > india
* Profession * coffee board layout habbal kam
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Questions / { dinesh gupta }
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contents of an invoice receipt? difference b/w statutory audit & internal audit? Where the bank book and the cash book will not reconcile? difference b/w income & expenditure a/c & p/l a/c? what is ERP? what is full form & the application of SAP? Why income statement prepared? What are the reasons where Balance sheet will not tally? How do you calculated Closing stock in the trading a/c? When will the cash book have a Credit balance? Why do you prepare p/l appropriation a/c? What are the 4 difference b/w public and private company? What do you mean by Contingent liability? Explain: Accrual Concept 1. Realisation concept? 2. Accounting concept?

Ankur Drugs Pharma, Infosys, RR Donnelley,

Accounting General 2228

Explain the Realisation concept and Accounting concept? why do you prepare p/l appropriation account? 4 difference b/w public and private caompany? How do you calculated closing stock in tradind a/c? Contents an invoice receipt? classification of Error as per accounting? Diff btwn Satutory audit & Internal audit? Diff b/w reserves for bad debts and provision for bad debts? Where the Bank book and the Cash book will not reconcile? When will the Cash book have a credit balance?


Accounting General 2429

What is ERP? Diff b/w Income & Expenditure a/c & P/L a/c? What is the fullform & the application of SAP? What is the reasons where Balance sheet will not tally?


Accounting General 1914

Answers / { dinesh gupta }