rana debgupta

{ City } rishra,hooghly
< Country > india
* Profession * sap functional consultant
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Answers / { rana debgupta }

Question { 12392 }

Is it possible with 2 quotations one sales order


Yes ! you can do this.Before combining 2 quotations in one sales order,you have to be confirmed that shipping point,sales area should be same.and after that please go to tcode VA26,here please give "quotation type" and "valid to" date.Then,you can see open quotation.select 2 quotation and click "Follow-up actions" buttion and save it.So,2 quotations create one sales order.

"if am I wrong,please give me correct answer"

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 2 No

Question { ITC Infotech, 8185 }

What is the difference between Rush Order & cash sale
orders?Please reply asap... Eagerly awaiting for your
response? Thanks in advance.


Hi all ! I am giving some technical differences between cash sales and rush order.that is :
1. cash sales item category is "BVN" and rush order item category is "TAN".
2. Cash sales billing type is "BV" and rush order item category is "F2".
3. Cash sales is order related billing where Rush order is Delivery related billing.

"if am I wrong,anybody can rectify it and give correct answer".

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

Question { ITC Infotech, 8195 }

In Pricing is there any provision in SAP to restrict the
discount for a particular customer say Rs 1000/- only? Is
there any special condition type for this type of
requirement? I have been asked this question in an recent
interview. Please reply asap... Eagerly awaiting for your
response? Thanks in advance.


yes ! you can use special discount condition type for this type of condition requirement.In discount condition type details,you have to check "condition update" option.After that,in vk11 condition record,there is additional data.In additional data,you can find "Max condition value" field.you can put Rs 1000 over there.Thus,you can restrict the discount for a particular customer.

"if am I wrong ,anybody can rectify it and give proper answer ?"

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 3 No

Question { Satyam, 7062 }

Hi Experts, Tell me how an Output Determination is done?
What are the different ways to determine Output? What are
the techniques involved in Output Determination? Give me the
Detailed Configuration & Customization steps along with
detailed Procedure, Path, T-codes (if any) and explanation
from your real time data for your Client/ Project? It’s
Urgent!!!!!! I have interview within 1-2 days? So, I
request you to provide solutions to above question as early
as possible? Your timely help would be greatly appreciated?
Thanks in advance Regards


there is a various steps in output determination that are
given below :

1) Condition tables
2) Access sequence
3) Condition type
4) Assign output type with partner
5) Maintain output determination procedure
6) Assign output determination procedure to sales document
7) Assign output determination procedure to sales documents
8) Maintain condition record.

So,if you want to do sales document items ,there details are
given below:
1) Inquiry condition type:AF00
Quotation condition type: AN00
Order condition type: BA00
2) Inquiry output determination procedure:V05000
Quotation output determination procedure:V06000
Order Output determination procedure:V10000
3) For ORDER,INQUIRY,QUOTATION record maintain T.Code:VV11

if you want to do billing output.there details are given
1) Billing output type:RD00
2) Billing output determination procedure:V10000
3) Only assign billing type to billing output
determination procedure.
4) Billing condition record maintain t.code:VV31

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 0 No

Question { Wipro, 8039 }

how could i configure if my client wants open orders not to
be considered in dynamic credit management?plz


Dear Prasanna,
you never find updated option in fd32.you can find updated 000015 in enterprise structure>definition>financial accounting>Define credit control area.if you select updated 000015,order value will not calculate in credit check.

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 0 No

Question { 16789 }

what is the movement type of inter company billing?





Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

Question { 16789 }

what is the movement type of inter company billing?


inter company billing movement type is "601".

it's item category is "TAN".

All the Best.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

Question { 6474 }

Can we further subdivide a plant? If yes into what?
Can we assign a material to more than one division?
What are the possible units of measure for a material?


Yes ! we can subdivide a plant into three areas 1)storage plant (storage location is there) 2) delivering plant (assign with sales organisation-distribution channel-plant) 3) purchase plant (purchase organisation is assigned with plant).

No we cannot assign material more than one division.Because,division means classification of products.so,one material belong to one division.

Possible unit of measures is TON,Liter,Meter,Kilogram,Pack.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Question { 11541 }

i dnt have any pricing condition for any material stored in
VK11 but when i enter sales order for the same the system
automatically determine PR00 as pricing condition
can any one tell me why it happens

plz its urgent


Pr00 comes from pricing procedure.In pricing procedure,if
mandatory button is checked in pr00 condition type,it will
show an error message that is "pr00 is missing" in sales
order.Because,there is no maintain any pr00 condition record
in VK11.if manually button is checked,it will not show any
error message.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { Wipro, 6269 }

How many sales organisations,distributionchannels and
Divisions will be there in a company?


It depend on business to business.It may be 1 sales
organisations,distribution channel,division or 2 sales
organisation,distribution channel,division.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Question { 7151 }

what is the significance of PGI?


PGI means Cost of goods sold is increased and Finish goods inventory is decreased.you can find it from VL02N and click on Document flow >click on GD goods issue delivery>Display document flow>Accounting Document>Double click on Accounting Document.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 2 No

Question { IBM, 42131 }

what is difference between item catagory groups ERLA and LUMF


ERLA and LUMF both are using in BOM (Bill of Material) explosion.ERLA item category group means when header or main items is priced .But,sub-item are not priced.its main or header item category is TAQ and sub items TAE.on the other hand,LUMF items category group means Main or Header itms is not priced,but sub-items are priced.its header item category is TAE and its sub-items category are TAN.

Is This Answer Correct ?    25 Yes 5 No

Question { 14627 }

while creating inquiry, i am getting error, "pricing error:
mandatory condition PR00 is missing" please tell me how to
solve this..


Please go to pricing procedure,in pricing procedure,please unchecked "mdt" option in a column among 16 column.after that,this error will not come.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 2 No

Question { 6364 }

Can we create a delivery without storage location? If we can
then how? can anybody will guide me by giving proper


Yes,we can create a delivery without storage location.But,In
normal scenario,we can not do Delivery without storage
location.If it is service item or TEXT item,you can do
delivery without storage location.Because,If delivery is
happened without storage location,PGI cannot be
done.So,delivery is happened only in SERVICE ITEM AND TEXT

Rana Debgupta
(Certified SD Consultant )

Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 0 No

Question { IBM, 7443 }

Hi,In IBM Interview,the Scenario For an XYZ customer any
order he places should be deliveried with in time and one
short all the QTY (one time only PGI for Sales order). say
for example Customer has ordered 100 qty on 15/july/2011,
stock aviable is only 30 qty, customer requied delivery
date 25/july/ 2011. is this possiblein SAP SD if yes How
and where is the Triggering point.


It may be happened in business scenario.So,In the case of
above scenario,if partial quantity delivery permit,the
system delivery qty can be split up on 30 qty which delivery
date will be 25/july/2011 and 70 qty will be delivered on
next delivery date when material will be available in the

On other scenario,if partial delivery is not
permitted,confirm delivery date will be after 25/july/2011
when full qty of material will be available in the
plant.This process is being done without replenishment lead
time.If replenishment lead time is taken into
account,confirm delivery date will be on 25/july/2011.

With best regards
Rana Debgupta
Certified SAP SD Consultant

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 8 No

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