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How to find out OLTP data OLAP data ? i.e 5 years data is OLTP or OLAP. please anybody help me...


2 Cognos 6113

Answers / { arangarasu }

Question { IBM, 9964 }

what is cube size?


cube size is not static. it may vary.the max size of the
cube is 2GB. if the cube size is increase,it decrease the

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Question { IBM, 20090 }

what is query subject


Query subject is a set of query items that have an inherent

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

Question { IBM, 48404 }

how to retrive only second row from table?


select * from emp a where 2=(select count(distinct(b.rowid)) from emp b where a.rowid>=b.rowid;

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { Covansys, 11391 }

what is meant by roll up and roll back in dataware housing????


Roll Up: A method used to summarize measure values up the category tree structure.

Roll Back: I think this method is available only in oracle. roll back retrieve all records after delete the records from table.
for example if the emp table contain 100 records. delete these 100 records using delete command like *delete from emp* we can also retrieve all these 100 records using roll back method.

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Question { iFlex, 9387 }

what are the applications of the tabular model ????


Tabular model defines a simple list query contains
a tabular model reference.

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Question { TCS, 34664 }

16. How can we create top 10 and bottom 10 records in
the same list?



All are wrong.for ex. if u have list report with
region,staff name and revenue. if u want show top 10 and
bottom 10 performance based on the revenue, drag new data
item from tool box to query item box then expression window
will show in that type like

For Top 10 performance:rank([revenue]desc for [region])
and give name for new query item like Rank or anything.
then drag this new query item to the detail filter window.
then type [Rank]<=10.

For Bottom 10 performance:rank([revenue]asc for [region])

if u want any query about cognos don't hesitate call me
by mobile:9787642227

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 1 No

Question { EDS, 8942 }

can anybody tell me when do use 'running total'...give an
example for the usage of running total


Returns a running total by row (including the current row) for a set of values

*For example if our list container contain order no,product name,quantity
*Then we drag query calculation
*Then we give name for new column. that name is Total.
*In expression definition window drag running-total function from summaries function of left side available components.
*If we want ruuning-total for quantity,drag quantity data item within running-total function. like running-total(quantity).
*Finally in report output in total column the first quantity value will display in first row of total column, in second row of total column add first quantity and current row quantity, in third row of total column add first,second and current row quantity.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { HCL, 7315 }

what is view? types of views?


A view is a tailored presentation of the data.contained in
one or more tables or other takes the o/p of a
query and treat it as a table. it does n't require any
space in database.

ex.create view emp1 as select empno,empname from emp;

types of view:Materialised view.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { Syntel, 5471 }

how can you create a report like if country=india then true
if contry=spain then false?


1.Go to Report Studio
2.Select list container
3.Drag query item to the list container. i.e for example we take country,staff name,revenue query item from source tab
4.Drag query calculation from tool box tab to right side of the container.
5.In the box give new query item name. in this example Result is new query item name.
5.Expression definition window will show. in that we type like this.

when [country]='India'
then 'True'
when [country]='Spain'
then 'False'

6.Then run the report. u will see new column is result. in that true value will display equivalent of India country and false value will display equivalent of Spain country.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { HCL, 7370 }

write a query to display the third record from the employee


No friends,

rownum is one of the column name of table like
emp_no,emp_name etc. if u have not rownum column in ur
table,how to solve it.

we can retrieve this record through physical location that
is using rowid not rownum.

select min(rowid) from emp not in(select min(rowid) from
emp not in(select min(rowid) from emp));

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

Question { TCS, 15951 }

suppose a value prompt contains 100 values and i want to
select all values in that prompt....i want ALL option in
the value prompt? how can u keep this option in value


Hi Everybody, This is very simple.don't have any calculation to solve this question.

1.Drag any one of the data container to the work area.

2.Adding data item to the container

3.Create prompt page

4.When we Add value prompt to the prompt page. we create parameter then select package item, and then when we select operator we will see more operator like =,<,>,<=,>=,in,not in, in_range. in that operator we should select in_range operator.

5.After that we do normal procedure .

6.when we run the report, If the value prompt contain 100 numerical values, we should select 1 in From drop down box and select 100 in To drop down box. If the value prompt contain char type .that is it may contain product name,select first product name in From drop down box then select last product name in To drop down box.

7.Finally in report output we will see all values in value value prompt instead of particular value.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { IBM, 6663 }

what is a bookmark? what concept we use in bookmarking?
please tell me how to create bookmarks(with explore)?



Bookmark can be used to quickly move from one part
report to another part of report.

if u have morethan one page in a report, at that point
in time u can use bookmark.

first u create table of contents and create morethan
one page and save unique page name. then drag book mark
icon from tool box to top of the table of contents(table of
contents means like index of the Book) and in the
properties pane give name for book mark. then each page of
bottom drag text item then type text like Go back to book
mark then right click the text and then select drill
through definition then will show the window in that window
select book mark tab then select the name of book mark what
u defined earlier. then run the report.

if u clik a one page then u will get detailed
information then u can get back to the front page using
book mark.

if u want any query about cognos call me:9787642227

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Question { IBM, 9995 }

What is a Complex report and explain?


Complex Report is not separate report. In our project we faced complex queries and complex calculations in a report. That report is called complex report.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { 6289 }

What is Index?


Index is one of the databse is used to quickly
locate the particular record.

i.e.if a table contains thousand's of record, in which
retrieving the particular record is if we
create index in primary key column, we can retrieve
particular record very soon. so we can save the time.

ex.create index indexname for tablename of columnname.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

Question { 4924 }

what are the tabs in cognos ?


Hi Suresh,

I think ur answer is wrong.
There are 3 tabs in cognos. They are 1.Source Tab 2.Query Tab 3.Tool Box Tab

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