Question { Satyam, 7643 }
How do you update OBP firmware?
From ok promt
Copy the latest flash-update image to the / directory of the
system to be updated and remember the name of the file. Then
go to the OK prompt with halt or init 0 or uadmin 2 0. At
the OK prompt, type boot disk /
hit Return. Follow instructions printed on the screen. Note:
When it gives you the available upgrade versions, type sa to
select them, then proceed per instructions. When the update
is complete, the system should be rebooted and the new OBP
is active.
From Solaris shell
You can also update the OBP from a Solaris window (command
line) if the UNIX update (.sh) file is included in the
patch. Log in as root and cd to the patch directory, then
run the executable UNIX flash update file by typing sh
. Follow instructions printed
on the screen. Note: When it gives you the available upgrade
versions, type sa to select them, then proceed per
instructions. When the update is complete, the system should
be rebooted and the new OBP will be active.