chennakesava reddy

{ City } bangalore
< Country > india
* Profession * sap hr/hcm consultant
User No # 19965
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Answers / { chennakesava reddy }

Question { 13173 }

If I want Configure Half day Before Public Holiday and Half
day Before Weekly Off " how can I do this?


1st u have to configure rule for day type, and that will
inserted in daily work schedule, which is before public
holiday, with psecific working hours. then u have to
generate work schedule rule. call me on 09845864277 for
more details, so----------

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 9 No

Question { 4867 }

How do you identify the different info types of wage types?
Can we will use the US payroll indirect evaluation modules
in Indian payroll


based on wage ype groupings only we can identify differen
wage types, we should not use US payroll indirect evaluaion
modiles in india payroll.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

Question { 7326 }

How will you create the Garnishment order type?


by maitaining 165 infotype, we can create garnishment order

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 5 No

Question { 7326 }

How will you create the Garnishment order type?


garnishment is an cpurt order, which is paid by employer to
the an employee. which we can maintain by using infotypes
194- for garnshiment document,
195- for garnishment order.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 2 No

Question { 9319 }

what is the differene between a view and table? for eg what
is v_512w and T_512w? what are the transaction codes for


in view table we can maintain fields, in table we can store
data, we cant maintain data in table, this differnce
between these two.
v_512w: here we can maintain data by going T.CODE SM30.
t_512w: here we can store data.


Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

Question { 9976 }



info type header is a combination of fields, which are
name, start& end date, etc-------- mail me on for more details.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 5 No

Question { TCS, 7666 }

Dear All,
Can anybody expalin me the concept of PAYROLL CONFIGURATION
in detail?


1st we have to configure basic pay steps, hen we need
maitain date modifiers, period modifiers and payroll
period, then we need o maitain 14, 15 infotypes according

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 7 No

Question { IEE, 7385 }

Is Work flow and Recruitment process the same in SAP HR?


work flow is a sequence of of multi steps, which will be
triggered manually or automatically, recruitment is part in
work flow.both are not same. u can mail me on for more details, i can help u out, or
call me on 09845864277, so---------------?

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 0 No

Question { Intelligroup, 10629 }

1)What is the main characteristic of SAP HR Functional
2) What is the difference between my SAP and ECC modules in
3) Which are the main structures in SAP HR?
4) Which SAP component is used for Human resource Planning?
5) Which are the control indicators in SAP HR?
6) What are the options for maintaining person’s details in


1) to pay employee salaries and allowances.
2) ECC is a old version and MY SAP is new version from 5.0
3) organisation srucure, reporting sructure, enterprise
strucure, personnel sructure and payscale structure.
5) specifically no conrole records are here in sap-hr.
6) by hiring a person we can maitain in etail of a person.

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 8 No

Question { ADP, 14088 }

1) What is the importance of offcycle payroll?
2) What role does the control record play in pay roll?
3) How do you calculate Retro accounting amounts?
4) What is symbolic account?
5) What is the difference between payroll area, payscale
area and personnel area?
6) How do you identify a different wage types?
7) What features do you come across in payrolls employee
attributes and CAP PCR. establish the relationship among
8) What are the infotypes required for a payroll process?
9) What is the difference between Indian and us payroll?


1) by using off-cycle payroll, we can cpture holiday pay,
over ime pay, bonus and savings.
2)control record play whital role in payroll, which r
release payroll, release corrections, exit payroll and
check payroll.
we can pu on conrol on syem records, we can capure curren
and past payroll for maser data, we can maintain retro
acive account period also, while running payroll.
3)by maitaining retro-acive accoun period in conrol record
by going to T.CODE - PE03.
4) symbolic account is an intermediate account between GL
accounts and FICO.
5)payroll area: grouping same catagory employees under one
group, for whom we run payroll at once is called as payroll
area, which we can maitain in V_T549A_S.
payscale area: payscale area is defined based on
geagraphical area, which can be maitained in he able T510G.
personnel area: personnel area is a organizaional unit,
which specifies specific area of enterprise, which is
organised according o aspect of OM, PA & TM.

6) besed on wage types groupings, we can identify wage

7)ABKRS-payroll area,
LGMST- wagetype model
ANSAL- anual salary
8) 0000,0001,0002,0003,0006,0007,0008,0009,0014,0015,-----
9)he difference between indian and US payroll is
a) fiscal year,
b) taxation,
c) benefits,
d) deductions,
e) variants.

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 4 No

Question { ADP, 14088 }

1) What is the importance of offcycle payroll?
2) What role does the control record play in pay roll?
3) How do you calculate Retro accounting amounts?
4) What is symbolic account?
5) What is the difference between payroll area, payscale
area and personnel area?
6) How do you identify a different wage types?
7) What features do you come across in payrolls employee
attributes and CAP PCR. establish the relationship among
8) What are the infotypes required for a payroll process?
9) What is the difference between Indian and us payroll?


call me for more details on 09845864277

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 6 No

Question { TCS, 6854 }

what is t-mon Rule. where it is used?


T-MON rule is a PCR, which would ne used to groups like,
absence groupings, lose of pay groupings, and wage type
groupings while time evaluation by using TM04 schema in
time management.

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 0 No

Question { 4592 }

can any one suggest the way to handle ESS & MSS ?


through portal connection with SAP IMG screen by basis
people, we can handle ESS&MSS.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 2 No

Question { Polaris, 5903 }

what is interface and which interface have u used in ur
what is database have u used for personnel administration?
what is the integration between P.D & payroll?
what is integration between E.C.M &
payroll?-----------Polaris, hyd.
what is version upgrade cycle?---------- itc info tech
what r the ABAP programs have u used in ur implementation?
what are the patches have u used in payroll?- itc infotech


plz mail me answers if any one knows

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 5 No

Question { Logica CMG, 4921 }

how u get the tickets?what are the fields in the screen?


by using tools peygreen, cirix we can ickets from end users.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

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