kevin mercado

{ City } manila philippines
< Country > philippines
* Profession * cognizant technologies
User No # 115325
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Answers / { kevin mercado }

Question { Adecco, 8182 }

Tell me about ur self..
Why would you want to join our company...


I'm a person with varied interests, first of all I'm a graduate of hospitality and management. During my spare time I do the household chores because in my field of study for a establishment that caters private accommodation a hotel an example, it should be clean, cozy, well maintained and secured. I used to be alone at home and I'm responsible for all the chores and handy jobs at home. It made me more disciplined and organized in our personal belongings. I also read books and magazines that's why developed my writing skills and good communication skills. My favorite sports are basketball and board games I like challenging and physical games and mind games which allowed me to be mindful about my strategic planning, analysis and the aim how to win the game with the help of my mates that had really helped me improve my organizational skills and people skills when it comes to socializing, cooperation and aiming for success. I am also a member of a non government organization that helps people who live in slums to give them happiness and reach out to them by teaching the right education by disseminating and distributing educational materials and books to children who were deprived of education or to go to a formal school but due to poverty these children are not allowed to study otherwise they do rather choose to work at young age being forced by their parents to work for their daily survival. And because of our compassion I have become more passionate about giving back to the people who have become part of my personality as a person that they played a vital role in molding my innate goodness as a human. In our village I'm also joining in the yearly sports fest and luckily I never had brought a bacon for my friends and family however that was a memorable experience during those times but I'm not and never been an active player before. It's just a simple out breach program for the youth to get them away from bad influence of drugs. It's very important you know that in a small village a local organizations form a program for the youth to help these young people to get away from drugs. Well in terms of my skill set, I have handled Linux administrator OS and I have good computer skills. Which is really to have me qualified for this position in call centers. And I'm one hundred percent sure that you don't have any reason for you to not hire me. That's all.

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Question { 8479 }

What are your long-range career objectives, and what steps have?


Do you have questions for inexperienced applicants I am planning to get back to you soon if you could post it all here. Thanks!

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Question { HSBC, 3428 }

Have you ever made a mistake at work? How did you rectify it?


I have made a mistake at work when I accidentally connect the wrong plug which isn't exactly its original socket and the device just turned off eventually but it didn't broken. What I did was I asked the supervisor to guide me about installation diagram and analyse it very carefully he showed me how it's done by looking at the drawing and illustration of the right electrical diagram. After I looked at the problem, I removed the cables and put it all on its proper places based on the illustration. Now I know how it's being installed and I know what to do when this happen to me. I thanked my boos that he approached me to know about this problem so that I could provide good service to our customers.

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Question { HSBC, 3742 }

How do you rate your English skills?



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Question { HSBC, 3043 }

Can you do a job that requires you to stay on the phone all day?



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Question { Serco, 18719 }

Speak for 2 minutes about child labour


The child labor is the most viral issue in today's society it happens around the world because of workforce and poverty. All children are suffering from this affliction where even their parents are the ones that participate or forcing their children to work for them for their daily survival. Instead of studying at school, playing with the other kids they're working for almost a week to hunt for their food. Statistically speaking the numbers are blatantly obvious and we have no significant actions to atop this from happening. How does the governments and the international community take up on this. To resolve this issue first of all, there must be a law that protects the right of these young minds from exploitation and human trafficking even the cases of child pornography and pedophilia is at rise and dies happen mong the laymen or from the members of the church or from aliens who exploit the children and force them to do the most disgusting job for the money. There are also isolated cases involving the young children who have victimized by drug syndicates to bring the drugs off the country and deliver it around the world and the worse is , sell it to the influencial personalities or to celebrities. But the laws are not always suffice until no one is speaking that they were victims of human traffickers. The small organizations in some part of the world have joined in forces to hunt down the suspects behind the child labor along with the authority, the local community, and the government or the social welfare to save these children and help them recover from the depression and anxiety that brought by this experience. They do help these children to stay away from the bad influence of drugs thus helping them grow to be a normal children. The child labor among the provinces are the hardest to resolve not because these areas are hard to reach because they don't have enough force and funds to stop the child labor. The families in these areas have no enough support from local government, since it receives no help from the national government. Non governmental organizations who have joined in forces have taken part to stop this by providing funds and allocation, educational material and additional classroom to the elementary school in the place. The government does provide stipend to farmers, loan for educational and livelihood assistance and full security and protection for the youth. In that way we can slightly eliminate the child labor the children can now go to school safely.

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Question { 2229 }

What are the Roles and responsibilities of senior Team leader


The key roles and responsibilities of a senior team leader are;
- ensure that all the performance metrics are reached
- ensure that all the professionals are performing very well
- ensure that all the customer's needs and accounts are achieved and attained
- lay out plans for improvements of underperforming agents
- teach and guide the agents on how to descalate the issues to prevent the customers for giving misleading information.

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