Explain business unit with two different examples?
Explain the major differences between peoplesoft versions hrms8.8 and hrms8.9? Explain with one example?
Explain the techniques for data transfer?
Where did you use data mover?
How to test an application engine program in 8.8?
Explain about transaction tables?
What is the process flow in billing, ar, om. Gl, ap, po etc?
Why state records are needed?
Explain the different ways to run ae, sqr.(Command, process scheduler)?
Explain how to delete a file using sqr?
What are the different ways to run ae, sqr?
Explain about translate tables?
Explain the main differences between peoplesoft financail 8.4 and 8.8/8.9 version?
Tell me how did you apply your patces and bundles?
Where did we use app messaging