Do you know what is tableset sharing?
Tell me in order to setup a state what is the minimal setup requirement?
Give two different examples of business unit to explain?
Tell me what are the different ways of setting up an hrms system to make it position driven and where is this setup done?
What is processing tables?
Explain what are the different action types in peoplesoft? (Add / update / correct history/ include history)?
Suppose if hr admin creates a person by error in peoplesoft, how can the person be removed from all key database tables using a delivered process?
Do you know how is an establishment different from a company?
What is file format for sqr?
Explain how to debug ae?
What are the different action types in peoplesoft? (Add / update / correct history/ include history)?
What is paycycle manager?
What is right join?
Explain what is a bundle?
Explain load look up in sqr?