Explain will comparison of string "10" and integer 11 work in php?
How come the code Works, but Doesn't for two-dimensional array of mine?
How to call a constructor for a parent class?
How many tables a default wordpress will have?
How to create plugin for wordpress?
Explain when are you supposed to use endif to end the conditional statement?
Do I need to have a blog in order to use wordpress for my site?
What is the difference between characters 23 and x23?
How to use time ago function on wordpress posts?
Suppose if the variable $a is equal to 5 and variable $b is equal to character a, what's the value of $$b?
What is the difference between accessing a class method via -> and via ::?
Tell me would you initialize your strings with single quotes or double quotes?
Will using wordpress help my site show up on google?
What if I need help after the project?
Tell me is a web site on wordpress secure?